Trait_AAGILE_DISCOVERY.csv.gz - These files contain the meta-analysis results (using metal) of the indicated trait (FG= Fasting Glucose; FIB= BMI-adjusted Fasting Insulin) using GWAS results of each cohort from AAGILE (sample of African ancetry). - For detailed information please check Liu et. al (2016) AJHG. 2016 Jul 7; 99(1):56-75. PMID: 27321945. - The columns in these files represent: MarkerName: SNP ID Allele1: Coded allele (effect allele) Allele2: non-coded allele Effect: beta coefficient (effect size) of SNP StdErr: Standard error of beta coefficient P.value: p-value for testing effect size =0 MAF: minor allele frequency based on HapMapII YRI Trait_MANTRA.csv.gz - These files contain the meta-analysis results (using MANTRA) of the indicated trait (FG= Fasting Glucose; FIB= BMI-adjusted Fasting Insulin) using GWAS results of each cohort from AAGILE (sample of African ancetry) and MAGIC (sample of European ancetry). - For detailed information please check Liu et. al (2016) AJHG. 2016 Jul 7; 99(1):56-75. PMID: 27321945. - The columns in these files represent: snp: SNP id a1: allele 1 a2: allele 2 logBF: evidence of association